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Reward your audience with amazing prizes using our integrated sweepstakes feature.

Sweepstakes Swatch. Two playful friends holding up their Swatch branded photo printouts with comical expressions, highlighting their personalized moments in amsterdam

Custom email sending Yves Saint-Laurent. A smartphone screen showing a personalized photo taken at an event, ready for social sharing Yves saint laurent

custom email sending

Discovering their photos is a joy for everyone. Harness the power of fully customizable emails with an impressive 88% open rate. Whether you’re aiming to boost brand visibility, prompt specific actions, or deliver personalized promotions, sharingbox’s unparalleled open rates provide the ideal platform to convey your message effectively.


Generate in-store traffic and conversions to your physical and digital stores.

LEGO Themed Photobooth Voucher - Build memories and save with playful LEGO-inspired photo coupons for kids' collections. #LEGOFun #SnapAndSave

Audi Event Photobooth Privacy Consent - Participate with confidence in Audi’s branded photobooth events, with a clear affirmation of privacy policies and terms.


sharingbox enables you to collect data during your photo activation, ensuring compliance with GDPR regulations. Only the data of users who have provided their consent will be gathered. Additionally, if you opt not to collect data, users will be informed that their data isn’t being utilized, and none of it will be stored. Our software seamlessly adjusts to align with your privacy policy.